From the offices of the Mitten State Sports Report! |
The Mitten State Sports Report is back for 2013, and dare I say bigger, and better then ever. The constant flow of emails, and comments, along with the public's demand for the revival of this website, contributed to the resurrection of this popular, and informative publication. Technical difficulties may have temporarily stunted the growth of this website, but a new year brings along new stories, new opinions, and for me a new computer. So welcome back to all of you former readers, and if you've just stumbled across this site for the first time while searching random stuff, welcome to you as well.
In 2013, the Mitten State Sports Report is commited to posting on a regular basis while shattering our 2012 totals of posts, followers, events, and overall quality of this product. I will be taking the time to answer your comments, and I have installed a new email address that is specifically designed for this website.
mittenstatesportsreport@rocketmail.com Feel free to leave a comment or email your concerns to the new address.
It is refreshing to see that several of you and I share common interests in the world of sports and entertainment, and the Mitten State Sports Report will continue to cover these events that we both love. Auto racing at Flat Rock Speedway, local college baseball, Plymouth Whalers hockey, local wrestling, and even my editorials were all highly viewed by readers all over the world. Although I missed on the Red Wings vs. Predators series, I was right about the Tigers at a time when most of you were hitting the panic button. I continue to attend sporting events, and witnessed an "Extreme Midget Wrestling" show about two weeks ago. So who knows what 2013 will bring because yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, and that's why we call it the presence!
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