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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fishing in Taylor

Heritage Park, in Taylor, offers catch and release fishing off the shores of Coan Lake.  

     Heritage Park, in Taylor, is a well known spot for baseball, and soccer, but catch and release fishing is also available off the shores of Coan Lake.  Coan Lake sits inside of Heritage Park located at 12111 Pardee Road, in Taylor.  Heritage Park is also home to the Taylor Soccer Club, the Taylor South Little League, and the Junior League World Series.  Click on the link below for more information about Heritage Park, in Taylor.
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Coan Lake sits inside of Heritage Park located at 12111 Pardee Road, in Taylor.

The Log Cabin is a tourist attraction at Heritage Park.

Click on the link below for more information about Heritage Park, in Taylor.  

For more information about Heritage Park click on

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Hines Park RC Track

Hines Park RC Track is a Model Race Car Track located on Hines Drive, in Plymouth.

     Hines Park RC Track is the place to be if you're a fan of RC (Radio Control) vehicles, and RC Model Car racing.  Hines Park RC Track is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (weather permitting), and it's located off of Hines Drive, in Plymouth.  Hines Park RC Track includes a dirt track, a wood planked pit area, and a raised scaffold for racers, and spectators.  Scroll down to check out exclusive photos of the Hines Park RC Track.
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Hines Park RC Track is located off of Hines Drive, in Plymouth.  Read the rules!

Hines Park RC Track has a wood planked pit area.

Hines Park RC Track includes a raised scaffold for racers, and spectators.  

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10,000 Profile Views

     The Mitten State Sports Report is constantly looking for ways to grow, and improve.  My personal profile page has received 10,371 total views, and the Mitten State Sports Report has received 73,655 total views. Click on past months to check out all of the Mitten State Sports Report's archived material.  You can always leave a comment, or you can email the Mitten State Sports Report at Scroll down and vote in the Mitten State Sports Report's Local Classic Car Show Tournament.  

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Blog of the Month - May

                                                                  Blog of the Month


                                                                  Blog of the Month

     The Big Lead is a popular sports blog owned and operated by USA Today.  The Big Lead is a great destination for news, information, and gossip regarding the top headlines throughout the world of sports.  The Big Lead also covers other topics including current events, politics, and pop culture.  The Big Lead launched back in 2006, and currently receives millions of views per day.  Click on the link below for more information about the Big lead.
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Best of April 2016

     The month of April featured 7 posts that were viewed by people throughout our Universe.  "Crusaders vs. Racers" (posted 4/6/2016) received the most views.  Click on past months to check out all of the Mitten State Sports Report's archived material.  You can always leave a comment, and you can email the Mitten State Sports Report directly at  Scroll down to check out the Top 3 most viewed posts of April.  Vote in the Mitten State Sports Report's Local Classic Car Show Tournament.

                                                                 Best of April 2016

1.  "Crusaders vs. Racers"  posted 4/6/2016

2.  "Blog of the Month - April"  posted 4/3/2016

                                                                                                                                  No Photos!

3.  "Fathead: Michigan Made"  posted 4/11/2016

                                                                                                                                   No Photos!

                                                                  Pic of the Month

The Pic of the Month is a photograph of Greg Haeger chatting with an umpire.  

                                                                    Link of the Month

                     For more information about Fathead wall decals click on

                                                                   Blog of the Month

            For more information about the Blog of the Month for April click on

                             Mitten State Sports Report's Local Classic Car Show Tournament


                       Bakers of Milford             vs.           Blue Sky Ice Cream and Hamburger/Romulus

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Mill Race Village

Mill Race Village can be found in the city of Northville.

     Mill Race Village is operated by the Northville Historical Society, and is located at 215 Griswold Street, in Northville.  Mill Race Village is a great place to walk around and learn about the history of Northville, and it's free, and open to the public.  Grounds are open daily from dawn to dusk, and the buildings are open from 1:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m on Sunday (June - October).  Click on the link below for more information about Mill Race Village.
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Scroll down to see exclusive photos of Mill Race Village. 

Mill Race Village is located at 215 Griswold Street, in Northville.  It's free, and open to the public.

Here's a look at the Hunter House!

Check out the Hirsch Blacksmith Shop!

Here's a look at the Yerkes House!

Mill Race Village is run, and operated by the Northville Historical Society.

J. M. Meade General Store is located just inside of Mill Race Village.

Wash Oak School sits inside of Mill Race Village.

Mill Race Village is a great place to walk around and learn about the history of Northville.

There is a park on the other side of the bridge.

Click on the link below for more information about Mill Race Village.

For more information about Mill Race Village click on

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