Wilson Barn is a historic landmark in Livonia. It is located on the corner of West Chicago, and Middlebelt Roads. |
The Wilson Barn has sat on the northeast corner of West Chicago, and Middlebelt Roads since 1919. Ira Wilson originally built a barn in 1888, but the structure burnt down, and Wilson constructed the current structure (in 1919). Ira Wilson grew a million dollar enterprise known as the "Ira Wilson & Sons Dairy", and Wilson also held several local elective offices. Ira Wilson died in 1944, but the Wilson Barn remains open from May thru October. The Wilson Barn, in Livonia, is a MSHS (Michigan State Historic Site), and is also listed on the NRHP (U.S. National Register of Historic Places). Scroll down to see exclusive photos of the historic Wilson Barn in Livonia. Click on the link below for more information about the Wilson Barn.
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The Wilson Barn is located at 29350 W. Chicago Road, in Livonia. It remains open from May thru October. |
The Wilson Barn is a MSHS (Michigan State Historic Site). |
Click on the link below for more information about the Wilson Barn. |
For more information about the Wilson Barn click on www.wilsonbarn.us
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